Mantra & Medicine weekend retreat ~ The Path of Light
In our Mantra & Medicine retreats, we aim to reconnect you to the mystical aspect of life and help you refind your deeper spiritual essence. We use music and singing as powerful tools for self-realisation, inviting you to discover the immense transformative power of your own voice. Through sound, we bridge the inner and outer worlds, reconnecting us to the divine within. Each retreat is aligned with the energy of the season and offers a full program of guided practices and rituals. They are unique portals, guiding you into exploring various aspects of the human experience through music and practices from traditions around the world. In this retreat, we draw upon Yogic and Buddhist traditions.
In the Spring, nature comes alive, colours deepen, and the air is filled with a sense of possibility. It’s a time to plant seeds—both in nature and within ourselves—that will flourish in the warmth and light of the months ahead.
Friday 25
⌾ 16.30 Opening Circle
⌾ 17.30 Small group practice & Free time
⌾ 18.30 Potluck Dinner
⌾ 20.00 Story & Sound Experience
⌾ 13.00 Small group practice & Free time
Sunday 27
⌾ 9.30 Silent sitting / Silent Space
⌾ 10.00 Breathwork
⌾ 12.00 Brunch
⌾ 14.00 Closing circle
⌾ 15.00 leaving time
About the program
⏀ Story & Sound Experience
As you arrive at our Mantra & Medicine weekend, we welcome you with a Story & Sound Experience designed to inspire a sense of wonder and tranquility, gently beginning your journey inward. This opening session draws from the timeless stories and teachings of the yogic traditions. In this sacred space, we invite you to lay down and let go as we share these stories from ancient scriptures and play beautiful music which originated in India.
With the soothing resonance of instruments like the gong, the harmonium, and our voices, we weave a melodic journey that honours the light and wisdom within each of us. This unique experience sets the tone for the weekend, inviting you to open your heart and immerse in the transformative power of music and ancient wisdom.
⏀ Japa Mala Meditation
The word ‘Japa’ means ‘muttering’ in Sanskrit. In a Japa Mala meditation you are reciting a phrase while using a mala (a string of beads). The mala has 108 beads, and is used to count your 108 repetitions of the mantra. Mantra means, “that which when reflected upon gives liberation.” Mantras were one of the earliest components of yoga and are quite possibly the first type of meditation that was developed. The meditative practice of Japa keeps the human mind steady and resistant to disturbance. The practice of Japa is practiced in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Practicing this meditation in a group is a mysteriously spellbinding experience.
⎑ Silent sitting
In this collective morning meditation, we join together as one, creating a powerful and harmonious energy field. The shared stillness invites us to hear the language spoken by our soul as we allow ourselves to be fully present.
⍙ Movement practice
This Saturday morning movement session focuses on energising the body and cultivating a heightened awareness of the subtle energies that flow within. We will explore gentle and intentional movement through a Vinyasa Flow Yoga sequence to open up our system in preparation for the evening ceremony. No experience needed.
⏁ Ceremonial Singing Circle ~ Cacao & Microdosing
On Saturday evening we come together for the highlight of this weekend: The ceremonial singing circle. Music is the language of the soul—a universal force through which creation came into being and healing begins. On this night we combine three beautiful tools for transformation: Cacao, Mantras and Magic Truffles. The micro/ minidose that will be offered to you during the ceremony contains between 1 and 2 grams of fresh truffles with a possible second serving. You will be free to choose in the moment the amount that calls you most. We choose to serve a micro/mini dose because our goal here is to cultivate a collective energy, opening up to the music and connecting deeply with oneself and others. In this way we can still be fully present.
The fusion of singing and altered states of consciousness is a tale as old as human history. Ancient civilisations understood that the voice could carry intentions and prayers, to the divine realms. It can tap into the depths of one’s feelings, revealing layers of suppressed emotions or unspoken truths and explore our innermost sensations.
We will sing a variety of songs including Sanskrit mantras, Tibetan prayers and some English mantras as well. Sanskrit mantras carry a deep resonance, invoking energies of healing, transformation, and connection to your highest self. Through devotion and surrender to the music, you start to open up to something greater than yourself. When we give yourself fully to the practice, a profound shift occurs. A sense of separation dissolves, and you are able to experience the oneness that lies at the heart of all existence.
You can read more about our ‘The Path of Light’ theme, listen to our music and get a feel for it here ⇣
The Path of Light
⏄ Breathwork
Breath is the essence of life, an involuntary action that sustains us from the moment we are born. In each of our events, we invite different experts in Wim Hof, Conscious connected breathing or Psychedelic Breath. Breathwork is a practice that harnesses the power of conscious, controlled breathing to influence our mental, emotional, and physical states. It encourages the release of suppressed emotions, offering a cathartic experience. This can aid in addressing unresolved issues and fostering emotional well-being. It also improves your immune system, eliminates toxins from the body and enhances your lung capacity.
The experiences and insights gained on the previous day can stir up emotions and feelings. The Sunday morning Breathwork session provides a safe and supportive environment for releasing any residual emotional blockages and helps you leave with a sense of emotional clarity.
⍙ Small group practices – Heart IQ
Over the years, we’ve found that creating a deeper bond within the group is key to unlocking the full potential of this retreat experience. When things come up during the retreat (and they often do), this foundation of trust and connection provides the tools to process emotions in a healthy way. Instead of being overwhelmed by triggers or falling into patterns of projection, you’ll have the skills to meet these moments with openness, curiosity, and compassion.This is where our group practices come in.
Led by Robert and inspired by the Heart IQ method developed by Christian Pankhurst, you’ll learn to:
– Listen deeply and hold space for others, even when emotions arise.
– Express yourself authentically, even when faced with triggers.
– Navigate challenges with openness, without falling into patterns of advice-giving, judgment, or trying to “fix” others.
Heart IQ is a blend of psychology, spirituality, and somatic awareness that invites you to embrace the present moment as a gateway to growth and healing. The experience of being truly seen and heard, of witnessing others without judgment, allows a deep relaxation to take place. It’s a doorway to profound connection, self-acceptance, and healing.
⏀ About Cacao
Cacao ceremonies originate all the way back to Mayan and Aztec traditions in central and south America. Cacao opens the heart and allows for a deeper, authentic love based connection with yourself, others, the earth and all of life.
Read everything about ceremonial Cacao here ↓
More info
⏃ About Magic Truffles
The micro/minidose we serve in the ceremony is between 1/20 and 1/5 of a full ‘journey’ dose, depending of course on the dose you decide to take. This range is carefully chosen to support a subtle, yet profound experience. It helps you to fully feel everything that is alive in you with a more heightened state of awareness. This allows you to attune to the communal energy and the power of the songs.
Feel free to contact us in case you have no experience with plant medicine, or in case you have any questions!
Read everything about psychedelics, and magic truffles here ↓
More info
⏁ About mantra chanting
A mantra is a sound or a vibration that becomes very powerful when you repeat it. Singing the ancient words with subtle intentions help you to reach a deep state of meditation. By simply repeating the mantras, you can disconnect from your thoughts. The mantra becomes more abstract so it can lead you into a place of pure consciousness. Each mantra with its different sound has another effect on the human psyche. The sound vibrations penetrate every cell of the body. When we sing these mantras together in a group, a profound sense of unity and connection arises. The harmonious sounds created by everyone, are felt deeply within and help you raise your vibration. When we sing with others, blending our voices, we start listening more attentively, feeling the energy of the group trying to find harmony. As everyone synchronises their breathing, and thereby the beating of their hearts, singing in unison, a bond forms and feeling of completeness surrounds us.
⍙ Preparation
For the cacao ceremony on Saturday evening we want to invite you to put a bit of extra effort in your outfit, inspired by this theme. Please wear only white, with a touch or orange if you wish. White is worn often in ceremonies all across the world because it symbolises purity and solidarity. The colour orange represents the flame of the Buddha’s teachings, and symbolises humility. Also in Hinduism orange symbolises a quest for liberation and divine connection.
Make sure you feel both beautiful and comfortable. This is a sacred ceremony. Just like we create an altar, and decorate the space, we also give some love to ourselves and make sure we fully show up. In this way we seal the space from the influence of the outside world and enter a different world in which you can fully submerge yourself. In the book; ‘King, Warrior, Magician, Lover’…this is called ‘sacred space’.
⏄ The facilitators
Pleuni Apollonia & Robert Tolenaars: As a couple they play devotional mystical music from all over the world in singing circles, cacao ceremonies, and plant medicine journeys. For them, music is a huge source of inspiration. It has the potential to heal, and take you to different layers within yourself. Together we create a space in which your inner light can shine brighter, even in the darkest corners of your existence.
Pleuni shares the path of Yoga and Healing Music with others, to help people find more peace and live a more fulfilled heartcentered life. In her beautiful space near the forest, she has given almost 200 private sessions with cacao and plant medicine so far. Community is an important theme in her work. Bringing people together and creating a safe space creates the opportunity for growth and invites you to step into your light.
Robert guides people through inner transformation processes and works with groups in a way thats inspired by the Heart-IQ method of Christian Pankhurst. In this group work you will learn how to come together with others in unconditional love, fully conscious, relaxed and with an open heart. Driven by his inner mission to contribute to the realisation of divine consciousness on earth, his journey took him from modern science, to age-old spiritual traditions, to the most effective methods of consciousness development he could find. As a dedicated guitarist since he was 16, he has also learned how sounds resonate with the soul and can serve as keys to deeper levels of your being.
Theresia Hofmaier: Theresia is an experienced breath coach. Through conscious connected breathing she guides you on a journey towards deeper relaxation and personal transformation. In her breathwork session, she helps you explore and release emotions, fears, and desires. She is great in creating a safe space where you can discover your inner strength and overcome blockages. Her goal is to support you in creating a life of balance, resilience, and fulfilment, where you are the director of your own well-being and growth. Read more about Theresia on her Website!
⎑ About the location
AVANI means: ‘The good earth’, and stands for grounding within yourself, ground with each other. Being in contact with yourself and the earth. This retreat and training center is surrounded by trees, and a newly planted food forest. The beautiful architecture, the natural light and all the indoor decorations make you feel at home right away. The location is very close to the “Loonse en Drunense duinen” in Helvoirt. Take a look on their website.
Sleeping and other extra’s:
AVANI retreat has some beautiful dorm-rooms (6 beds each), private rooms and yurts available. (It’s also possible to sleep at home in case you live very close by) You can book your favourite sleeping option separately in the ticket system.
NOTE: We totally understand that life has other plans sometimes and for some reason you are not able to join this event you were so much looking forward to. However, our event planning proces takes precise coordination, budgeting and agreements based on the amount of tickets sold. This is why we decided not to give refunds, because it otherwise simply isn’t possible for us to keep doing this work.
We dó have a few options though:
– You are free to resell your own ticket to someone you know, share it on your social media, or post in our FB event. Please inform us about the exchange, so we can update the name list.
– If there is a waiting-list, we will help you sell your ticket to someone else.
– For exceptional cases please contact us.
*24h before the start of this event we are not available anymore to help you sell your ticket, due to preparations.